The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Jhaeda.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a worn book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Jhaeda' scribed in brilliant purple ink.

Author:    Jhaeda         
Date:      Wed Aug 28 19:44:54 2019
Subject     Jhaeda Everette's Backstory

Jhaeda hails from the Everette family, whose noble manse lays within the confines of the Nobles' Hill. She is the third child of Lord Marcus Everette and his wife Lady Jocelyn Everette. The eldest son Khalten is being raised to take over the running of the family while the second son, Jamus, has joined the Order of the White Robes in the Tower of High Sorcery. Jhaeda also has two younger sisters, Lydia and Jenelle who are both nearing the age to marry. Jhaeda, while always at her best behavior, has never been one to be a fully proper lady, much to the consternation of her mother, but to the secret amusement of her father. Strong willed and highly ambitious in regard to achieving much in the world and leaving the world in a better state than she found it Jhaeda has taken very strongly after her uncle, Kaladar Everette, a Knight of the Rose within the Knights of Solamnia. Even when she could barely walk she sought to join her favored uncle upon his warsteed along with him. Not having the heart to crush the young girl's dreams with speaking of the proper place for a woman Kaladar, and even (in very hushed secret) her father ensured that from a young age she received the training she desired in horesmanship, swordsmanship and warfare. However, a deal had to be struck before this was allowed. All the normal learnings required of a young noble lady must first be met and excelled at. So it was that the hard working young woman had to work twice as hard to keep up. As if all of this was not enough Jhaeda also took a keen interest in the god Paladin, and ensured that she was able to attend every service available to her. Such it was that the driven woman has few friends other than her family, as she had little time for social activities. It was only thanks to her upbringing that allows her the social graces to know how to be politically correct. All of this combined into Jhaeda walking down the path of the paladin, with a keen and unerring eye toward becoming a Knight of Solamnia. The status and good will this success would bring to the family is the one reason such an eligible young lady has been allowed to follow such a path. That and the fact that she has two very eligible and lovely younger sisters who are very keen to meet their prince charmings. So it is that Jhaeda sets into the world to walk the path of good and with an eye toward thrashing those who follow the dark.

Author: Jhaeda Date: Sat Dec 16 13:54:57 2023 Subject An Ending of a Squirehood?

Tireless and driven, these are the two best used to describe Squire Jhaeda Everette. Years pass as she works resolutely toward her clearly spoken goals; an eventual position as a Knight of the Rose. Never one to skimp, however, the young paladin knew she had to do her time as a Knight of a Crown once knighthood had been achieved. Then on to the Sword, where she intends to serve as a blade of Paladine and the Knights. Blood, sweat and no tears are the young womans mantra. Some say a woman has no place amongst the knighthood. Some say a soft Palanthus noble lady cannot hope to live in the throng of a pitched battle. With a body bolstered with tireless exercise, conditioning and strengthened by the faith in her god she proves all but the most skilled easily wrong in the practice yard. No help or quarter is ever given nor expected from her illustrious uncle Lord Knight Kaladar Everette. More than once her mother, Lady Jocelyn Everette has tried to intercede on Jhaedas behalf but the determination and unmoving will of her daughter and the pride in her fathers eyes quiets any protestations before long. Reality rarely meets expectation and romanticization. The wisdom granted to her by her upbringing and faith allows the young squire to avoid falling into cynicism when many Knights fall short in her estimation. It takes longer than she would hope to find a proper mentor and any aid her uncle might provide is politely and graciously declined. Eventually an old hedge Knight of the Crown takes up the charge. Little had been heard from the hermit in many years as he went off into the wilderness to seek the enlightenment of the triumvirate. Sir Eregard uth Maelgoth stood before the cadre of hopeful pages and interviewed each carefully. He bids the pages spar while the other Knights stand back and quietly mock the intensity with which this "has-been" choses "someone destined for nothing". Eregard choses, though he knew the moment he looked upon the pages, Jhaeda as his squire. Tireless and driven now becomes two. In Paladines name the two roam the lands far and wide aiding those in any way they can. Be it fixing a stalled wagon to saving a town from a goblin threat. The industrious duo take part in battles in addition to the more mundane help they provide the general populace. Traveling camp fires are devoted to discussions of faith and spirituality. ogether the pair bolsters both the worship of the Triumvirate and all goodly gods as well as the reputation of the Knights with all those beings aided. Deed upon altruistic deed stacks upon one another and eventually Lady Jhaedalyn Everette uth Palanthas is inducted as a Knight Penitent though Sir Eregard had recommended promotion straight to knight given the numerous selfless deeds the two had accomplished together. Jhaeda, for her part, cares little about rank, only the enhanced ability to help others.

Author: Jhaeda Date: Fri Dec 29 16:37:26 2023 Subject The best defense is a good offense?

With the swearing of her Solamnic Oaths, the never idle Knight Postulant went to work trying to prove her worth. Though she did not seek rank, the young woman knew that rank brought a greater ability to benefit the world. The dual edged benefit was the paladin got to sow more seeds of good into the world, her ultimate goal. Jhaeda wished nothing more than to be a beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness. Though she was no history expert she knew enough to know that darkness was never idle long, so nor would she be. ---------------- The young sandy haired blonde woman strolled along a street in Palanthus, the newly woven tabard of a Knight Postulant prominently displayed over her day to day chain armor. A notice upon a board caught her attention and hazel eyes flew wide. The paladin had heard of the attack from Taladas, but she and her mentor Sir Eregard had been deep in the wilderness removing a goblin threat at the time. Now it seems the many various organizations of Ansalon meant to strike back. A sigh escapes the womans lips as they flatten after. Thin blonde brows furrow and she gives her head a thoughtful shake. Was this a good idea? Would this only foment more conflict? A tanned calloused hand takes the notice from the board, no guilt as they were liberally plastered over everything in sight, as the potential knight rushes toward the inn she and her mentor were staying in. ---------------- A sharp knock sounds on the chamber door and a strong voice, deep and rumbling says, "Enter." "Sir Eregard uth Maelgoth, Paladines blessings to you this day. I hope that it finds you well." Jhaeda spoke formally and bowed before sketching a practiced knights salute. A gentle laugh, not quite in keeping with his deep voice sounded into the room, "Jhaeda, please...nevermind. I am not having this conversation again. Do your duties in the first greetings and let us discuss why you are here." The young paladins lips curved into the barest hint of a grin as she inclined her head and strided purposefully toward the elder knight to hand him the parchment. After a quick perusal the large man nodded, absently pulling at his traditional Solamnic mustache. "I have seen these. What are your thoughts?" His head canted inquisitively as she asked the question. " conflicted. Violence begets violence. These beings from Taladas have, however, attacked our lands, burned food providing fields and done harm to our people. The people need our protection, yet, if we attack, will it not just propagate more war?" "Perhaps. I know little of these beings, I fear. I think we need more information, but...should we sit and do nothing while we send scouts to this far off land to gain information?" A black, bushy right brow arched upward questioningly. "No. We must be proactive. Where they landed. That will be known." The blonde woman began to pace as she speaks, head down slightly as she thought the problem through. "There are farmers without fields to sew and guards of towns without a town to protect. We will build a fortification. A wooden palisade with trenches at the beachhead. We watch for their return while we fortify. We train those whose livelihoods have been lost and prepare them for defense...and attack. Perhaps we may draw engineers that can help us prepare against naval beach landings." Her youthful features fell after a moment, "Resources. We will need to gear and feed these people." Eregard smiled warmly and nodded, "Yes, but we can send hunters out who have been impacted and draw smiths to us who have also a light in their hearts to help." A long sigh escaped the noble woman as she shook her head, "Paladine would have us redeem these attackers, not seek vengeance." Thin brows furrowed, "Though...we seek to defend those that cannot defend themselves. We put our ardent wills toward this and the fortification will grow yet, they may not come again and others may go off to make a retaliatory attack. They may draw ire back upon us and without their strength to lend to our forces defense we may be easily crushed. So...would it not be prudent to join an attack?" It was the elder mans turn to sigh as he nodded, "It is honestly not an ideal situation. I think most of your reasoning is sound. We shall have time to talk it through. I have my family resources and nothing to do with them with my holdings fallen into disrepair and ruin. We will need boats for the forces we will commit. Thankfully I have companions from my youth who have their own ships and a desire to do the right thing...though coin will help ease the way. The fortification is a useful idea and will provide an excellent training opportunity. If we find ourselves landed upon Taladas the experience we have in making this fortification will educate our people what to do there. It will be familiar." A wide grin then curved the old mans lips, "Not only that, you will have the start of your own holdings." Jhaeda glanced sideways at Eregard, thin brows furrowed again, "That is not my intent." Her lips then quirked to the side and a long sigh escaped her lips, "Rank, influence and power give us the ability to exert such to benefit more people and do good in Paladines name as well as that of the Knights of Solamnia." "Just so." The tall man climbed to his feet after pushing away from the desk. "I have a bank to visit and some old friends at the dock to speak with." His head canted to the side as a laugh escapes him, "I would ask you to saddle our horses and prepare for our journey to the coast but you are no longer my squire." The young woman waved the words away with a laugh, expression humble, "Sir Eregard, I will see to our horses and prepare for our journey. I have coins for provisions and..." The Knight of the Crown interrupted his protege, "Think bigger, Jhaeda." Bright hazel eyes went distant with thought for a short time before the woman spoke, "How are you not of the Rose again? I need to arrange teamsters and larders of food and other supplies. I can send a Solamnic scout to the coast to find the landing location and the best place for a fortification. We will need pages, squires and men at arms...perhaps even a knight or two who wish to help to canvas the lands to find the refugees and disaffected." A wry, self-effacing laugh escaped the paladins lips, "This will take more than a few hours. Perhaps weeks to get launched." The tall, dark haired man nods, "Just so, Lady Everette. Lets get to work."

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus sighs as he recants 'We saved 872 books from Ansalon from before the great Cataclysm through today.'