The Great Library of Palanthas

An Aesthetic shows you to a small reading room.

Stories of Ansalon from the view of Ryath.

A little gully dwarf runs by and says 'Wordwrap Off 65 80.'
The gully continues 'Eyes hurt? Turn Color OFF!! (regular story dates)

Astinus says 'Enter the main library here to view only the author list.'
Astinus gently places a giant book on the table in front of you.
You note the spine bears the word 'Ryath' scribed in dark red ink.

Author:            Ryath
Date    Sat Nov 26 20:49:20 2005
Subject  daydreaming

I am lost.  The darkness surrounds me, grabbing at me, grasping my flesh, 
tearing my hair, pulling me downwards into its depths.  I cannot think.  I 
cannot breathe.  Blood covers me, blinds me, suffocates me.  It is 
I wake up, bathed in a cold sweat, clutching desperately at my mace.  For a 
moment, I see a figure standing in the corner of my room...  But it vanishes 
when I blink.  I pour a cup of wine from the pitcher at my bedside and sip 
it as I relax and begin to think rationally again.  The screams from my 
dream echo through my mind, making me flinch occasionally.   
I rise from my bed and go to the window...  Glancing out, I see many troops 
training in the courtyard below.  Grunts hack and bash at each other.  Mages 
huddle in small groups, hoarding their secrets.  Clerics sit in meditation, 
communing with our goddess.  I draw the heavy curtains against the clash of 
steel and occassional explosion from a spell and return to my desk, still 
Why has it all happened?  Is it the Queen's will?  I can not imagine why She 
would want such a thing to happen...  Why She would allow it.  Doubts assail 
me, driving me from my room and to the courtyard below.  I call several men 
to me and order them to attack, using the physical exertion to clear my 
mind.  Parrying a thrust I picture my dead parents.  Slamming the haft of my 
mace into the skull of an opponent, the face of the priest flashes before 
me.  His eyes are open and staring, his body torn and broken.  They assault 
me viciously, trying to land a blow.  Their attacks increase and speed and 
fury till I am nearly overcome...  I shout a prayer to my Queen and the 
weapons and armor of my opponents begins to smoke, then glow with heat.   
I replace my mace at my belt as they shout in pain and rush to rip the metal 
from their bodies.  Breathing heavily, I make my way back to may chamber and 
begin to meditate.  The last image I see before I clear my mind is that of 
my adopted mother.  Why did you leave?   
-__ /\                  ,  ,,
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 /|| /   '\\/\\  < \, =||= ||/\\
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_---_-|,  |/     \/\\  \\, \\ |/
         (                   _/

Author:            Ryath
Date    Thu Dec  8 22:02:34 2005
Subject  so it begins...

Sitting in my tent, staring into the fire...  The creak of leather 
saddles, movement of dragons, bellowed commands, all blend together as they 
reach my ears.  None of it really filters through the haze in which my mind 
floats, though.  The past rises with the smoke from the brazier, surrounding 
me, drawing me with it.   
It is beautiful.  Lady Maire gave me a mace...  My first true weapon.  The 
haft is ironwood with inlaid metals, a polished steel head in the shape of a 
skull.  The eyes have been enchanted to glow a deep crimson and spikes line 
the neck, with another spike extending from the base of the handle for 
piercing.  It is the first gift I have received from anyone...   
Never have I found trouble in using it.  Though, never before have I used it 
against men of honor.  Rogues, thieves, bastards...  The odd monster or 
two...  Never a fellow Knight.  On the morrow I may well dirty this mace 
with the blood bone and brain of honorable men.  Men who are fighting for 
the cause they believe to be right.  If it comes to it, I don't know that I 
can.  Of late, I have prayed to my Queen and received no answer.  It is as 
if a great void fills me, dampening my spirit and quieting my thoughts.  
They are all gone.   
Lady Maire took me in, raised me, taught me the ways of the Knighthood.  
Lord Lanfer instructed me in battle, always taking time to answer my endless 
stream of questions as well as correct mistakes.  Elzaroth led me in prayer, 
helping to strengthen my faith and explaining the precepts of the Skull 
knights.  Nocor, Duunlaen, Hipnar, Delve...  They were all there.  My 
mentors, my friends...  My family.  Where are they now?   
A voice from the aide de camp now at my elbow arouses me from my musings.  
"Sir?  " "Yes, what is it?  " "I was sent to inform you that it's nearly 
time, sir.  " 
I sigh as I stand and respond, "Yes...  It nearly is...  " 
-__ /\                  ,  ,,
  || \,           _    ||  ||
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 \||/-    || ;'  /-||  ||  || ||
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_---_-|,  |/     \/\\  \\, \\ |/
         (                   _/
(sorry this wasn't pc.  But...  Go stuff it.  :D)  

Author:            Ryath
Date    Thu Dec  8 22:13:34 2005
Subject  so it begins...

Sitting in my tent, staring into the fire...  The creak of leather 
saddles, movement of dragons, bellowed commands, all blend together as they 
reach my ears.  None of it really filters through the haze in which my mind 
floats, though.  The past rises with the smoke from the brazier, surrounding 
me, drawing me with it.   
It is beautiful.  Lady Maire gave me a mace...  My first true weapon.  The 
haft is ironwood with inlaid metals, a polished steel head in the shape of a 
skull.  The eyes have been enchanted to glow a deep crimson and spikes line 
the neck, with another spike extending from the base of the handle for 
piercing.  It is the first gift I have received from anyone...   
Never have I found trouble in using it.  Though, never before have I used it 
against men of honor.  Rogues, thieves, bastards...  The odd monster or 
two...  Never a fellow Knight.  On the morrow I may well dirty this mace 
with the blood bone and brain of honorable men.  Men who are fighting for 
the cause they believe to be right.  If it comes to it, I don't know that I 
can.  Of late, I have prayed to my Queen and received no answer.  It is as 
if a great void fills me, dampening my spirit and quieting my thoughts.  
They are all gone.   
Lady Maire took me in, raised me, taught me the ways of the Knighthood.  
Lord Lanfer instructed me in battle, always taking time to answer my endless 
stream of questions as well as correct mistakes.  Elzaroth led me in prayer, 
helping to strengthen my faith and explaining the precepts of the Skull 
knights.  Nocor, Duunlaen, Hipnar, Delve...  They were all there.  My 
mentors, my friends...  My family.  Where are they now?   
A voice from the aide de camp now at my elbow arouses me from my musings.
"Yes, what is it?"
"I was sent to inform you that it's nearly time, sir."

I sigh as I stand and respond, " nearly is..."

-__ /\                  ,  ,,
  || \,           _    ||  ||
 /|| /   '\\/\\  < \, =||= ||/\\
 \||/-    || ;'  /-||  ||  || ||
  ||  \   ||/   (( ||  ||  || ||
_---_-|,  |/     \/\\  \\, \\ |/
         (                   _/

Author:            Ryath
Date    Wed Jul  5 11:22:56 2006
Subject  a long, lonely road

He has now left, as well.  Left the Knighthood, but me as well.  Were I to see
him again, honor and law would move me to attack.  A fight I could not win...
he taught me much, but not all.  I picked up many of my own tricks, and have
learned much on my own, but he is the one who taught us.  All the recruits of
my time.  It is a blow to the heart of the Knighthood that he should leave. 
And one I don't understand. If there is a weakness at our core, then we must
find it.  We must cut it out.  This is what Takhisis would wish of us.

She still will not speak with me.  Even so, She answers my prayers when I am
in need of healing.  She helps to strengthen my arm and lay low those standing
against me.  She protects me...yet I worry...for how long?  She will not
answer my questions, will not assuage my doubts and fears.  How long will She
find favor in me still?  It was for me to 'tend the flock' as it were.  To
help young squires and recruits to understand Her grace and Her plan.  Now it
appears the flock needs no tending.  They know their way, surely.  At least
that is what they would have us all believe.

I no longer feel it necessary to remain in the Keep.  There are none now, who
join my morning rituals.  Fewer who enjoy my meditations with me or accompany
me in the training yard to spar.  Notions of honor go by the wayside.  Arauko
has the flock, now, may he do well with them.  I am no longer needed.

The Storytellers of Ansalon, The DragonLance MUD

Astinus points to the massive wall of books behind him and bids you to make a selection.

Authors: All|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z

Astinus mentions 'We have had over 872 storytellers on Ansalon pen their epic stories here for all to read.'
